Monday, 6 September 2010

Yoga in the park Sunday 5 September

'From small beginnings come great things.'

If you're not in this picture, you missed out on a lovely yoga gathering in Highbury Fields, courtesy of North London Yoga Meetup Group.

Sure it did rain a smidge (it's near enough compulsory in London in September), but the temperature was perfect and our sun salutations brought the sun out, eventually.

And the picnic nibbles were much appreciated afterwards as it seems outdoor yoga works up quite an appetite.

A big thanks to Justine, Denyse, Lucy and Marianne for taking part, cos let's face it, without the people it'd just be me, alone in the park, talking to myself...

Denyse is already scouting for an indoor venue for the next Sunday session - 3 October - and until then I'm quite looking forward to seeing Eat Pray Love with a bunch of fellow yogis and yoginis. That's Monday 27 September.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Yoga to boost your mood

Fresh scientific proof (as if we need it!) that yoga helps fight depression and makes you happier. Here's the article from The Telegraph.

But note what the end of the article says about the lack of an aerobic element in yoga - even the vigorous varieties. So, add to your yoga practice some regular cardiovascular exercise to get your heart rate up - after all, that's a very important muscle to stretch!

For me, swimming and running work a treat as I find them both monotonous enough to help switch my mind off and bring me into a more meditative state.

Next time you are out power walking, cross-training, running or swimming, add a meditative element to the exercise by quietly in your head repeating the mantra So Ham, which can be translated as 'I am that, I am' - that referring to the Universe, or God, or whatever you choose to believe in.

Repeat 'So' on each inhalation and 'Ham' on each exhalation.

Let me know how you get on!

Adele's Teaching Timetable

07.15-08.15 Vinyasa Flow Yoga* 
Frame Shoreditch, Shoreditch

18.30-19.30 Hatha Yoga

20.30-21.30 Mat-based Pilates*
One Life Studio, Stoke Newington

07.15-08.15 Vinyasa Flow Yoga*
Frame Shoreditch, Shoreditch

* No membership required

For enquiries about private lessons or classes in your place of work, please email

Though for the day - The Moment

Each moment is an individual moment.
So, instead of measuring one moment against another,
just savour this moment.