Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Pilates in Walthamstow takes a Christmas break

Pilates in Walthamstow is taking a Christmas break. The last class of 2013 will be held on Saturday 14 December at the usual 9am.

We start up again on Saturday 18 January. It is highly likely that we will be moving into studio 2 (the bigger room) at the beginning of the year - probably February - and that classes then will start around 9.15am/9.20am instead, but I will keep you posted on this as and when things are confirmed.

For now, it's still:

Place: Studio 1, Church Hill Studios, Stainforth Road, E17 3RY
Time: Saturdays 9.00-10.00
Price: £10 per lesson or £45 for a block of 5 (valid 8 weeks). Cash or cheque.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all my lovely students!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Special Event - Morning Yoga on The Boundary Roof Terrace

Please join me for some awakening rooftop yoga and complimentary breakfast in Shoreditch this Friday morning!

More dates coming up on my Facebook page Yoga & Pilates with Adele.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Pilates in Walthamstow starts again Saturday 7th September 9am

Pilates in Walthamstow is finally back after our little summer break!

Place: Studio 1, Church Hill Studios, Stainforth Road, E17 3RY
Time: Saturdays 9.00-10.00
Price: £10 per lesson or £45 for a block of 5 (valid 8 weeks). Cash or cheque.

I found this great little article with 10 interesting facts about Pilates - well worth a read before I see you next!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Pilates Walthamstow takes a summer break in August

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. In order to achieve happiness, it is imperative to gain mastery of your body. If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60 you are supple and strong then you are young.”   
Joseph Pilates

There will be no pilates classes in Walthamstow from Saturday 3 August to and including Saturday 31 August.

Things go back to normal Saturday 7 September when I look forward to seeing students back on the mat  9-10am at Church Hill Studios.

Enjoy the unusually lovely summer!

Monday, 13 May 2013

Please check in on my teaching timetable from time to time as there will be some changes happening in the next few months.

The latest news being that I am now a Framette teaching yoga at Frame Shoreditch on Mondays 7.15am & 1pm and Wednesdays 7.15am.

I will also be covering yoga classes there on Tuesday 21 May 8am and Tuesday 28 May 8am as well as Thu 20 June 8am and then every Thu including 18 July.

Yes, it's all about (early) rising and shining these days – a lot easier this time of year for sure! And you can spend the rest of the day feeling a little smug that you've made the most of your waking hours.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

New Saturday Pilates Class in Walthamstow

Joseph Pilates taking his students through a Body Contrology class, the precursor to modern-day Pilates

I'm starting a mat-based mixed level Pilates class in Walthamstow on Saturday 6 April.

Classes will be one hour long and held at Church Hill Studios in Walthamstow.

No need to bring any equipment – I'll have everything available at the venue. However, comfortable clothing is a good idea so you can move without restrictions. A willingness to have a laugh is also recommended as this is excellent for abdominal strength – pilates doesn't have to be deadly serious! 

The Pilates method is a form of exercise that stretches, strengthens, mobilises and stabilises the body all in one go. The result will literally make you taller since pilates promotes perfect postural alignment, which will also eliminate excess tension and strain on your joints, helping to prevent injury.

Potential side effects: happiness!

Place: Studio 1, Church Hill Studios, Stainforth Road, E17 3RY
Time: Saturdays 9.00-10.00
Price: £10 per lesson or £45 for a block of 5 (valid 8 weeks). Cash or cheque.

I teach a mixed level yoga class in the same studio immediately after the pilates lesson. If you're up for a double-whammy, you're more than welcome to join in!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Good To Know Yoga opens The Dalston Yoga Studio!

The Good To Know Yoga adventure continues as we expand to Dalston with a new studio space at The Print House in Ashwin Street, home of Dalston Roof Park

The launch party is tonight at 6.30pm with music, nibbles and general mingle. 

Classes start Monday 18 March. Check out the website for timetable & prices!