Monday, 1 August 2011

Yoga in the great outdoors Saturday 13 August

After last summer's outdoor yoga adventures, I thought I'd do a repeat this year and host a yoga class in a London park. For you. For free. For the love of it.

I'll be joined by fellow teacher friend Alina, which means you'll get double the attention as we'll take turns to teach and to go around and assist participants.

Expect a nicely paced hatha yoga class, alongside like-minded yogis and yoginis, not to mention all that space to breathe!

Give yourself some extra time after the session when we turn our mats into picnic blankets! Just bring along some nibbles and drinks.

This event will take place as long as it is not raining. Please check the weather beforehand and dress appropriately.

Day: Saturday 13 August
Time: 2pm start
Bring: yoga mat (alt. blanket or large towel), water, snacks
To do: email to let us know you're attending and, obviously, spread the word!

Come along and feel the wind in your hair in Warrior, the sun on your back in Down Dog and the freedom of movement in the great outdoors.

Join us. For the love of it.

Students practice entirely at their own risk. If unsure, ask your GP for advice and let your teacher know on the day of any medical conditions (including pregnancy) or injuries before you participate.